League B: Trade Completed #B12
The following trade has been completed. (#B12): Indian Hedz Receives: Jacob Trouba (WPG-D) Derrick Pouliot (PIT-D) Finnish Flash...
League B: Violation #B2
League B: Violation #B2 Violation Date: 18 NOV 2014 Reported Date: 22 NOV 2014 Team: The Flying Camels Violation Type: Inactivity -...
League F: Violation #F12
League F: Violation #F12 Violation Date: 20 NOV 2014 Reported Date: 21 NOV 2014 Team: Demoz Violation Type: Inactivity - Roster...
League E: Violation #E12
League E: Violation #E12 Violation Date: 19 NOV 2014 Reported Date: 32 NOV 2014 Team: ~Top Cheese~ Violation Type: Inactivity - Roster...
League B: Pending Trade #B12
The following trade has been accepted in League B (#B12): Indian Hedz Receives: Jacob Trouba (WPG-D) Derrick Pouliot (PIT-D) Finnish...
League E: Trade Completed #E8
The following trade has been completed. (#E8): The Chicken Wangs Receives: David Perron (EDM-F) Panda Express Receives: Loui Eriksson...
League C: Trade Completed #C6
The following trade has been completed. (#C6): Stops on Two Dimes Receives: Mikael Granlund (MIN-F) The Face Shots Receives: Cam Ward...
League E: Pending Trade #E8
The following trade has been accepted in League E (#E8): The Chicken Wangs Receives: David Perron (EDM-F) Panda Express Receives: Loui...
League F: Violation #F11 - Reversed
League F: Violation #F11 Violation Date: 15 NOV 2014 Reported Date: 16 NOV 2014 Team: Kicking Ice Violation Type: Inactivity - Roster...
League C: Pending Trade #C6
The following trade has been accepted in League C (#C6): Stops on Two Dimes Receives: Mikael Granlund (MIN-F) The Face Shots Receives:...